Joshua Canada
Research Associate
Other Affiliations:
The Justice Network of the Free Methodist Church
PhD Candidate in Higher Education
Azusa Pacific University
Joshua Canada is a Research Associate for Fuller’s Black Business Leaders project, which is a joint effort between the Panell Center and the De Pree Center. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Higher Education at Azusa Pacific University and his scholarly research focuses on organizational theory, identity, culture, and religion as they relate to higher education and religious organizations. Outside of academic studies, Joshua has helped lead and consult leadership transitions and strategic planning processes for non-profits and churches.
Joshua is a member and lay leader in the Free Methodist Church, founding co-chair of The Justice Network of the Free Methodist Church, and serves on the denominations’ Board of Administration for the Southern California Conference.
While living in Santa Barbara Joshua led community fundraising efforts for United Way of Santa Barbara County and was an active member of the Santa Barbara Young Black Professionals. In addition, he was a founding board member of the Santa Barbara Alliance for Community Transformation (SB ACT), which exists to equip the community to lovingly engage the marginalized while actively working for the betterment of their physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental needs.