Steve McLean
Cohort Guide
For 71 years Steve McLean has been trying to figure out who he is. At various times he might have answered that question, “Son”, “Young Life Leader”, “Husband”(to Kim for 46 years), “Philadelphia Eagles fan”, “Father” (to 4 children), “Pastor”, “Pop” (to 6 grandchildren), “Volunteer Firefighter”, etc. The problem with those identities is that they are temporary. This led to a focus on what is unchanging about his identity. He is an image bearer of God, a disciple of Jesus Christ, and an adopted child of God. Steve is trying to keep that as the foundation for all of the temporary identities he has. Steve’s mission is to glorify God, bless others and experience the joy of the Lord.
One of the ways he is seeking to do this is in helping third third-ers figure out how to flourish in this unique season of life. This focus began to take shape 15 years ago as he developed a class called “Toward a Biblical View of Retirement” for folks in his church who were struggling with the transition we call “retirement.” Then it was time for his own retirement from being a full time pastor. Did he believe what he had been teaching? Yes he did, however, it’s not as easy as looks. So the journey continues and he is excited to be in conversation with others on this same journey of figuring out how we can glorify God, bless others, and experience the joy of the Lord in the third third of life.
Education Description
Steve is currently a Pastoral Fellow at the Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, TX. Prior to that he served for 33 years as the pastor of the Argyle Presbyterian Church in upstate New York and as a member of the Argyle Volunteer Fire Company. He was also on Young Life Staff for 8 years, a substitute teacher, and a truck driver. Steve is a graduate of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, the University of Delaware, and Springfield High School in suburban Philadelphia. If he could, he would try to get you all to read Living Life Backwards by David Gibson.