Agreement Between You and the De Pree Center
Your submission of this form creates an agreement between you and the De Pree Center (DPC) as to the following provisions, which take effect when you participate in a cohort:
1) Your participation in the cohort is a group experience, facilitated by an official De Pree Center guide who will partner with you a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to develop your God-given personal and professional potential.
2) With your fellow travelers and your guide, you agree to participate openly and honestly in group conversations, and to respect the confidentiality of everyone’s personal information discussed in the group.
3) Your individual conversations with your De Pree Center guide/coach will be kept confidential. However, please be aware that a coaching relationship is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like the medical and legal professions); therefore, one-on-one communications with your guide/coach are not subject to the protection of any legally recognized privilege. Your guide/coach will not disclose your private information to anyone without your written permission, except as required by law, such as to protect you or another person from harm.
4) Your guide will encourage, coach, and support you, but the journey itself belongs to you. As you listen for God’s voice and discern your steps, you accept full responsibility for yourself and any actions you may take that might result from your group experience.
5) I authorize DPC at Fuller Theological Seminary (FTS), and those acting pursuant to its authority, a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, freely assignable and sub-licensable license to record my participation and/or likeness on a photographic, digital, electronic, hosted media, web-based service or any other medium; use my recorded likeness on a photographic, digital, electronic, hosted media, web-based service or any other medium; use my name and identity in connection with these recordings; use, reproduce, exhibit, or distribute in any medium (e.g. print publications, Internet) my recorded likeness on a photographic, digital, electronic, or any other medium, without restrictions or limitations, for any educational or promotional purpose which DPC at FTS and those acting pursuant to its authority deem appropriate, including promotional or advertising efforts.
6) I release DPC at FTS and those acting pursuant to its authority from liability for violation of any personal, intellectual (including (without limitation) copyright) or proprietary rights I may have in connection with uses of the likeness and recordings authorized above. I waive any right to inspect or approve the final use(s) of the photographic, digital, electronic recordings or any other medium. As to the photographic, digital, electronic images or recordings itself, or any other medium, I understand and agree that DPC at FTS shall have exclusive ownership of the copyright and other proprietary and property rights in the work.