Flourishing in the Third Third of Life Video Course . . . Coming Soon

Flourishing in the Third Third of Life Video Course . . . Coming Soon
This six-session course will help you understand how to flourish in the third third of life. Anchored in Scripture and enriched by science and other disciplines, this course will equip you to live faithfully and fruitfully as you experience abundant and purposeful life in this season. Each session of the course consists of a video lecture, questions for small group discussion, and resources for individual study and devotions.
The lectures address topics such as: What is flourishing? What negative narratives of aging limit your flourishing? What are some of the most important things you can do to live fully and fruitfully in the third third? How can you know God’s purpose for you in this season of life? How can you grow through the inevitable changes of the third third? What new narratives of aging – based on Scripture and science – will help you flourish as you get older? How can you live in this season of life so as to make a difference that matters in the world?
Watch a Trailer for this Course
Flourishing in the Third Third is taught by the Rev. Dr. Mark D. Roberts, Senior Strategist of the Max De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Seminary. He founded the De Pree Center’s Third Third Initiative because he believes that people can indeed flourish as they get older, living fully and fruitfully by God’s grace and for God’s purposes. Mark served as a parish pastor for over twenty years. Today, his pastoral work focuses on the Third Third Initiative and on writing Life for Leaders, the daily, digital devotional of the De Pree Center. With a Ph.D. in New Testament from Harvard, Mark also teaches at Fuller. He is married to Linda, a spiritual director and executive coach. Their adult children, Nathan and Kara, are both educators.
Stay tuned for more information . . . .

Mark D. Roberts
Senior Strategist
Dr. Mark D. Roberts is a Senior Strategist for Fuller’s Max De Pree Center for Leadership, where he focuses on the spiritual development and thriving of leaders. He is the principal writer of the daily devotional, Life for Leaders,...