"Making It Work" Podcast: Spiritual Practices for Everyday Work
One of the challenging aspects of being employed in the greater Los Angeles County region is the traffic. A 2019 article published by Forbes magazine, ranked LA as the fifth worst city in the US for traffic tie-ups citing that the average Angeleno loses $1,788 stuck in traffic each year. This equates to about 128 hours of productivity flushed down the toilet.
Though traffic is not exclusive to LA, it is intense here in the City of Angels, and it is the perfect challenge to address how we can invite God into our work’s biggest challenges. This topic also happens to be the purpose behind our new podcast, Making It Work: Inviting God Into Work’s Biggest Challenges co-hosted by our very own Mark D. Roberts and Leah Archibald from Theology of Work. We are thrilled to be partnering with TOW to bring this amazing resource to our DPC audience.
In season one of the podcast, Mark and Leah had the privilege to interview Denise Daniels and Shannon Vandewarker coauthors of the book Working in the Presence of God: Spiritual Practices for Everyday Work. I highly recommend the book, because it offers practical steps to experiencing God in your daily work routines. One tip that stuck out for me is liturgy of the commute. This is the intentional act of turning your daily travels into a sacred space for prayer.
As a commuter who spends three hours daily in the car, this idea affirmed my practices of listening to sermons, singing worship songs, and reciting my daily affirmations as a I travel to and from home for work.
The podcast launched on October 21, 2019, and is now streaming season 1 on Apple Podcast and Spotify. Click here to Listen.

Clarissa Middleton
Artist and Business Consultant
Clarissa Joan Middleton is an artist and business consultant committed to making media for social change. On May 10, 2019, Clarissa graduated from the USC School of Cinematic Arts with her MFA in Interactive Media. Her thesis “Cognitive Science, Belief, and Interactive Media as a Dist...