Roundtable 2025: Life Transitions in the Third Third of Life

I am pleased to announce that you can register for “Roundtable 2025, Ministering To People In The Third Third Of Life”. This year’s event will take place March 6-8, 2025 at Christ Community Church in Leawood, Kansas.
The Roundtable event is a place where leaders who minister to people in the third third of life gather together to connect, be encouraged, inspired and challenged in this area of ministry.
It is a place to share successes, best practices, and resources that have been helpful. Lastly, it is a place to develop ongoing and deepening relationships with other ministry leaders.
This year’s Roundtable will focus on “Life Transitions in the Third Third of Life.” We will begin with a biblical/theological foundation for addressing these life transitions and then move into specific changes aging adults will likely experience and ways we can help them move through these liminal spaces in healthy and positive ways.
Also, in response to feedback from past Roundtables, there will be a half-day workshop called “The Essentials.” You won’t want to miss this if you are new to the Roundtable or have recently begun ministering to people in this stage of life.
Mark Roberts, from Fuller Seminary’s De Pree Center, Amy Hanson, church consultant and faculty member at the University of Nebraska’s Gerontology Department, and Chris Holck, Pastor Emeritus of Live Oaks Community Church will be leading the sessions.
Registration is $225 to attend this year’s Roundtable. This includes all meals, materials and activities. There is an additional charge of $35 to attend The Essentials workshop, with lunch provided.
To register click HERE.
I hope you will be able to join us. I am looking forward to our time together,
Steve Harvey
Director of Fifty & Better Ministries
Christ Community Church – Leawood Campus
Additional Information
The Roundtable 2025 event will take place at:
Christ Community Church
14200 Kenneth Road
Leawood KS 66224.
Here is the schedule for the event:
Thursday (3/6/25) 9:00am – 1:00pm “The Essentials” Workshop
Thursday (3/6/25) 1:30 – 7:30 pm Roundtable 2025 Begins
General Sessions, Breakout Groups, Wrap-up Discussions, Dinner
Friday (3/7/25) 8:30am – 7:30pm
Breakfast, General Sessions, Lunch, Breakout Groups, Wrap-up Discussions, Dinner and Offsite Activity
Saturday (3/8/25) 9:00 – 11:45 am
Breakfast, General Sessions, Breakout Groups, Wrap-up Discussions
There are many hotels near the church. A list of hotels in the area will be provided at the time of registration
To register click HERE.
Comments (2)
Will any part of Roundtable 2025 be streamed or broadcast?
We are looking into this and will let you know if we find out it will be streamed or broadcast!