Prayer is a distinctively human response to the difficulties and joys of life.
But in another sense, prayer is complicated. Learning to pray takes time and effort, much like going to the gym to exercise. As with a regular workout regimen, we need to develop our capacity to engage and converse with the God of the Universe. That’s why the book of Psalms is in the Bible.
This study guide focuses on leaders facing troubled times by using Psalms 138 to 145, the last series of psalms associated with ancient Israel’s King David. In these psalms, we learn to exercise our imagination and discover vocabulary for facing our most challenging leadership difficulties.
About the Author
Leadership Prayers was written by Uli Chi.

Dr. Uli Chi has spent his life practicing leadership in the intersection of for profit and non-profit businesses, the theological academy, and the local church. He is an award-winning technological entrepreneur, who founded a software company that develops 3-D virtual reality software that simplifies complex decision making for consumers and businesses. He is a sought-after advisor to senior executives and serves in board governance at multiple non-profits. Uli currently serves as Board Chair of the Virginia Mason Franciscan Health System in the Pacific Northwest, and Vice Chair of the De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena. Uli has also served as Chair of Regent College’s Board of Governors, and Chair of the Executive Committee for the Center for Integrity in Business at Seattle Pacific University. For the last forty years, he has served leaders in a wide variety of roles in his local Presbyterian congregation.
He is currently a Senior Fellow at the De Pree Center for Leadership and regularly contributes to its Life for Leaders daily devotional blog. He is also part of the teaching faculty for Regent College’s Master of Arts in Leadership, Theology and Society.
(This is a digital download, not a physical product.)
Product Details
Price: $7.99/devotional guide
*This is a digital product. After purchasing, you’ll be emailed a link to download the devotional guide as a downloadable PDF. When you get the PDF, you can read it on your computer, phone, or tablet, or you can print a copy for personal use.

What's Inside?

- Easily printable format (8.5″x11″ portrait)
- 9 devotions containing scripture, reflections, discussion questions, and prayers.
This devotional was designed to be used in a small group but can be used in a variety of ways:
In a small group: Read through the devotion and discuss the questions as a group, one week at a time.
By yourself: Go through the guide on your own, one week at a time. If you decide to use it by yourself, consider sharing your responses to the questions and your learnings from the practices with someone you trust. Often learning can be enhanced by sharing it with someone else!