Meryl Herr


Dr. Meryl Herr (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the owner of The GoodWorks Group LLC, a consulting firm specializing in educational program planning and evaluation. She previously served as director of research and resources at Fuller Seminary’s Max De Pree Center for Leader...

More on Meryl

What’s Inside?

This collection of resources will help you attend to your past or present work hurt.

  • It begins with an invitation to attend to God’s Word through the ancient practice of Lectio Divina.
  • Next, we’ve included five devotions from our 52 Workday Prayers devotional guides. Written by Mark Roberts, each of these devotions uses a psalm to help us learn to pray about difficult situations we face in our work.
  • Finally, we’ve adapted our popular reflection guide, Learning from Challenges, Crises, and Crucibles, to help you reflect on a specific type of work hurt.

Fill out the form below to get your copy of Resources for When Work Hurts and encounter God’s never-ending love and compassion as you engage these resources to find healing and hope in a place of hurt.

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