There Is No One Who Does Good

By Mark D. Roberts

March 11, 2025

Psalms for Lenten Devotion

Scripture — Psalm 14:2-3 (NRSV)

The LORD looks down from heaven on humankind
to see if there are any who are wise,
who seek after God.
They have all gone astray, they are all alike perverse;
there is no one who does good,
no, not one.


In the season of Lent, we pay particular attention to our own lack of goodness. If we choose to adopt certain Lenten disciplines, like fasting for example, we don’t do this in order to be good enough for God to give us favor. Rather, the practices of Lent remind us of our need for a Savior and the fact that God saves us by grace through Jesus Christ. Thus, our awareness of our own lack of goodness readies our hearts to receive more fully the salvation that comes through grace alone.

This devotion is part of the Psalms for Lenten Devotion series.


I remember when I first resolved to read through the whole Bible. I was in high school, and it seemed like the godly thing to do. But, as I began making my way through Scripture, I kept stumbling upon verses that were unsettling to me. Sometimes what a verse described even seemed abhorrent to me (Should I be happy when babies have their heads dashed on the rocks?). Other verses just seemed mistaken (Jesus, should I always give to those who ask?). I believed that the Bible was God’s Word and was profoundly true. But what was I to do with verses that seemed to be, well, untrue?

Psalm 14:3 was such a verse. I encountered this verse as it was quoted in Romans 3:12, where it says, “All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one” (ESV). As I read this, I thought to myself: “Wait! Is this right? Some people actually do good. I have seen people be generous to the poor. I have watched people love sacrificially. And even I have done a few good things in my life. So how can the Bible say that no one does good, not a single one?”

Some readers, when they come to verses like Psalm 14:3, quickly conclude that the Bible is simply wrong. But they are not reading Scripture with the kind of attentiveness that all serious literature deserves. Responsible reading of any text pays attention to the genre of the material and its context. So, when we approach the Psalms, we must remember that this book is filled with poetry. Psalm 14:3 isn’t a piece of prosaic legal material. Rather, it is a poetic, indeed, hyperbolic expression of the pervasive sinfulness of humanity. Poetry says, “No one does good, no, not one.” Philosophical or legal writing might say, “All people do what’s wrong, but some people do what’s right some of the time.” The first option will grab your attention and get you thinking. The second option will lead you to nod sagely and move on to something more compelling.

Psalm 14:3 appears in a poem that laments the sinfulness of all human beings. In the end, the good that we do cannot erase our sinful behavior. Thus, Psalm 14 concludes by exclaiming, “O that deliverance for Israel would come from Zion!” (14:7). Deliverance will come from Zion, that is, from God and God alone.

In Romans 3, Paul quotes Psalm 14:3 in order to set up the need for a savior. Yes, no one does good. Both Jews and Gentiles fall short of God’s righteousness: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). This is the bad news that prepares the way for the good news: “They are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom 3:24). Truly, everyone does what is wrong. No one is good enough to merit salvation or to save others . . . except for Jesus Christ, our Savior, through whose goodness we are righteous in God’s sight.

In the season of Lent, we pay particular attention to our own lack of goodness. If we choose to adopt certain Lenten disciplines, like fasting for example, we don’t do this in order to be good enough for God to give us favor. Rather, the practices of Lent remind us of our need for a Savior and the fact that God saves us by grace through Jesus Christ. Thus, our awareness of our own lack of goodness readies our hearts to receive more fully the salvation that comes through grace alone.


When you read a verse like Psalm 14:3, a verse that somehow seems wrong to you, what do you do?

Do you ever believe that you can be good enough to earn God’s favor?

How does the reality of your sinfulness impact your relationship with God?


Take some time to honestly confess your sin to the Lord. Be specific, mentioning the things you might rather ignore. Confession opens up your heart to receive God’s forgiveness to walk in the new life. God has prepared for you.


O Lord, as you know, many passages of Scripture are disconcerting to us, things we don’t understand or things we understand but don’t like. At times your Word is crystal clear and compelling. But then there are other times . . .

Help us, Lord, to understand your Word correctly. By your Spirit, may we pay close attention to the text and its context. Help us to be accurate readers.

And when we come upon things that we don’t like, help us not to reject your Word as something less than true. Rather, teach us to dig deeper, to think, to pray, to converse with others, and to wrestle with Scripture so that we might be changed by it.

Finally, gracious God, thank you for your salvation, and for reaching out to us even when we were sinners. Thank you for your grace poured out through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Find all Life for Leaders devotions here. Explore what the Bible has to say about work at the High Calling archive, hosted by the unique website of our partners, the Theology of Work Project. Reflection on today’s Life for Leaders theme can be found here: One Good Reason for Atheism.

Mark D. Roberts

Senior Strategist

Dr. Mark D. Roberts is a Senior Strategist for Fuller’s Max De Pree Center for Leadership, where he focuses on the spiritual development and thriving of leaders. He is the principal writer of the daily devotional, Life for Leaders,...

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