Season 1, Episode 70
The Power of Listening to the Bible Together

May 17, 2024

Podcast, Podcast>Making It Work Podcast

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Episode Description

It can take around 98 hours to read the entire Bible. For many working Christians, that’s a tall order between holding down a job, caring for family and friends, and going back and forth between responsibilities. It’s hard to get those quiet hours with Scripture. And yet many of us believe it’s imperative to be formed by God’s Word. How can we make it happen? One way we can make it work is through listening to the Bible in groups, which is sometimes called public reading of Scripture or PRS. The phrase “public reading of Scripture” comes from a quote in 1 Timothy 4:13, which says, “Devote yourself to the public reading of scripture.”

Groups reading the Scripture out loud meet all over the world, from pastors in Korea to tech workers in Seattle, to a group of financial services professionals in New York City, meeting every week to listen to the Bible and talk about their work. Our guest today has experienced this practice as one of the leaders of the New York group, Faith in Financial Services. He’s here today to tell us about how he’s seen himself and members of the group, helped by the power of listening to the Bible. Tom Cole is the founder and president of the advisory firm, Narrow Gate Partners. Tom’s professional credentials include running leverage finance businesses at Citi, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank. He’s also served on the board of directors of the New Canaan Society, and is a frequent speaker about working as a Christian in financial services.

Podcast episode originally posted here by the Theology of Work.