Don Follis
Cohort Guide
Don Follis has spent his entire 42-year ministry career in Champaign-Urbana, a college town (University of Illinois) of 150,000 in east-central Illinois. The first 20 years he served in campus ministry, ministering 12 years with undergraduates and another 8 with international students. Following his campus ministry days, Don worked 3 years in administration for InterVarsity-Christian Fellowship, serving as the local liaison for Inter-varsity’s triennial URBANA 2000 and 2003 student missions conferences. From 2003 to 2009 Don served on the staff of a large Vineyard Church, overseeing pastoral care.
Education Description
In 2010 Don started and now directs a ministry to pastors called Pastor-to-Pastor Initiatives. The ministry serves pastors providing counseling, mentoring and spiritual direction. Over the last decade, Don has served 4 congregations as their interim pastor.
Don enjoys reading, preaching, writing the Sunday religion column for the Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, and hiking with his wife, Jennifer, who taught journalism at the University of Illinois for 30 years.