Nina Lau Branson
Nina currently works as a coach, consultant and spiritual director (with both individuals and groups). Her credentials include an MBA in finance and a CPA earned while working with Price Waterhouse Coopers in their entrepreneurial services group.
Nina’s coaching and consulting work is rooted in years of experience in organizational leadership, in for-profit and non-profit organizations, including work on boards and in senior management. Organizations include Fuller Seminary, Ten Thousand Villages, various denominational groups, youth entrepreneurship non-profit, a software company, and other for profit businesses. She has completed training in spiritual direction and is certified by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center in mediation and conflict transformation.
During the past 15 years she has pursued a particular passion for communion with God, especially listening for the voice of God, and engaging spiritual practices that enable availability to the Holy. These varied sets of experiences and skills are brought to bear in her work with leaders and communitie