Flourishing Leaders Research Project

February 2, 2024

About the Study

Originally we called this the Healthy Marketplace Leaders research project. As we analyzed the data and reflected on the findings, we decided that the name “Flourishing Leaders”  better fit this study and what we discovered.

Phase 1

In January and February of 2022, the De Pree Center hosted 18 focus groups. We listened to nearly 100 Christian leaders working across a variety of industries share their perspectives on healthy, faithful, and fruitful marketplace leaders. As we analyzed the data, we uncovered 11 characteristics of these sorts of leaders—the leaders we long to be.

Phase 2

In August and September of 2022, the De Pree Center sought nominations of Christian marketplace leaders who exemplified the 11 characteristics identified in the first phase of our research. We interviewed 34 individuals from a wide variety of industries to learn more about them, including what contributed to their formation as healthy marketplace leaders.  You can learn more about the findings in this webinar recording. You can also download this reflection exercise which was developed based on the findings.

Phase 3

Dr. Meryl Herr and Fuller professor Dr. David Wang are working together to create the Flourishing Leaders Assessment based on the findings of the Phase 2 study.

Flourishing Leaders Research Findings

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