
Why is God’s Plan to Bring Unity to All Things? featured image

Why is God’s Plan to Bring Unity to All Things?

As we reflect on God’s plan, we might wonder why God has chosen this particular plan. Why does God want to bring all things to unity in Christ? Why is this necessary? What is God’s ultimate purpose in this plan? If we’re going to make sense of God’s plan, it would be good to be clear on God’s why. The why begins in a story that lies behind Ephesians 1. It’s the framing story of the whole Bible, found in the first three chapters of Genesis.

When Trusting God Isn’t Good Enough featured image

When Trusting God Isn’t Good Enough

The main storyline of Genesis 31 features the departure of Jacob and his family from Laban, Jacob’s father-in-law. Included in this narrative is a minor story of Rachel stealing her father’s “household gods.” This is a strange and sad tale, since it involves a daughter stealing from and deceiving her father. Yet, I believe this aspect of Genesis 31 can speak to us about our relationship with God.

What’s Your Function? A&E featured image

What’s Your Function? A&E

What you do matters to the Kingdom, and ultimately it matters to God. Your task is to tell whatever narrative(s) God has given you.

Hanging on to Every Word of Jesus featured image

Hanging on to Every Word of Jesus

People responded to Jesus in a wide variety of ways.

Where Does All the Sausage Come From? featured image

Where Does All the Sausage Come From?

We know that the Spirit has the power to work miracles, to give us dreams and visions, to inspire prophesy, to use us to spread the Gospel.

Following Jesus as a Wealth Creator: Making Ourselves Need God More featured image

Following Jesus as a Wealth Creator: Making Ourselves Need God More

Today we’re going to look more closely at a temptation I mentioned last week: that if we want to get involved or contribute more, all too often it takes the form of flying to a faraway place, “making an impact” for a week, and then flying home.

Calling in COVIDtide: A Man Named Stephen and a Man Named Saul featured image

Calling in COVIDtide: A Man Named Stephen and a Man Named Saul

Stephen is commonly called Christianity’s first martyr. It’s interesting that the church’s first martyr wasn’t one of those called to preaching and teaching, but instead was called to administrative leadership. Yet he preached anyway with his life. We don’t know what the signs and wonders were that he did, but they seem to have occurred as he was fulfilling the ministry to which he had been called.

What is Wisdom? Part 1 featured image

What is Wisdom? Part 1

Wisdom is elusive. “Wisdom” is a notoriously difficult word to define clearly and succinctly. We understand, though, that wisdom is different from and in some ways dependent upon knowledge. Wisdom is a matter of using that knowledge in some...