Purposeful Retirement: Live Well as You Make a Difference that Matters
A common retirement story in our culture focuses on the opportunity to do the things you like most of all, whether golfing, traveling, napping, relaxing, or hanging out with grandchildren. Such activities can be quite fine, of course. But those who retire to live only for their own enjoyment are missing out . . . and so are those who could benefit from the wisdom, care, and giftedness of retired people. If you want to flourish in the third third of life, then you need a purposeful retirement.
When it comes to clarifying our purpose in retirement, we have so much to learn from others. We can allow their stories to help us craft our own retirement story, one that is different from the common enjoyment narrative that seems so promising but is, in fact, so limiting. Marc Belton’s retirement story is both instructive and inspirational. He was at the top of his game as an Executive Vice President of one of the largest companies in the United States when he decided it was time to retire. Yet he didn’t just stumble blindly into retirement. Rather, he retired on purpose and with purpose. In this webinar Mark Roberts will interview Marc Belton, listening to his story and helping us all learn how to make sure our retirement is purposeful.
[This webinar was sponsored by Fuller’s De Pree Center and was recorded on Friday, April 16th, 2021 at 9AM (PT) via Zoom. You can watch the YouTube recording now.]

Mark D. Roberts
Senior Strategist
Dr. Mark D. Roberts is a Senior Strategist for Fuller’s Max De Pree Center for Leadership, where he focuses on the spiritual development and thriving of leaders. He is the principal writer of the daily devotional, Life for Leaders,...