Pastors, do you have what it takes to keep going in ministry?
These past two years have been grueling. Empty buildings, online meetings, frequent hospital visits and too many funerals, fluctuating giving and numbers, revolving doors, a changing of the guard… you didn’t expect pastoral ministry to be this. And you’re tired. Weary. Stuck.
If this is you, we want to invite you to a free webinar hosted by Pastor Terry Timm and featuring guest panelists Kathy Young and Wayne Park, who will be exploring the question, “Pastor, do you have what it takes to keep going in ministry?” This webinar and following resources are made possible by a joint venture between the De Pree Center and Made to Flourish.

Terry Timm
Cohort Guide
Terry Timm is a vocational coach, pastor, StrengthsFinder practitioner, certified Motional Core (MCODE) coach, and Enneagram teacher. He completed an apprenticeship program with master Enneagram teacher, Suzanne Stabile, author of “The Road Back to You.”