Webinar: Women at Work, Transition and Transformation

December 2, 2021



Webinar Description

The 2021 Women in the Workplace study revealed that working women are even more burned out than they were last year—and increasingly more so than men.  Plus, right now, women lead men in quitting their jobs—as part of an overall shakeup in the workforce referred to as “The Great Resignation.”

Are you feeling overwhelmed in your work? Considering a transition? Looking for tools to discern what’s next?

Over the past two years at the De Pree Center, we’ve been leading groups for women who are discerning questions of vocation. Now, we invite you to join four of our Road Ahead Guides as we unpack what we’re noticing and discuss what we’re hopeful for in this extraordinary season of transition and transformation.

[This webinar was sponsored by Fuller’s De Pree Center and was recorded on Thursday, December 2nd at 10 AM (PT) via Zoom. You can watch the YouTube recording now.]