Joy-Ann Wood
Author & Guest Contributor
Caribbean Baptist Youth Department, Caribbean Baptist Fellowship
HR Professional
United Nations Development Programme
Joy-Ann Wood is a Christian who is not ashamed to let the world know that she loves the Lord.
As Immediate Past President of the Caribbean Baptist Youth Department (CBYD) of the Caribbean Baptist Fellowship, Joy-Ann is driven by the mandate to lead the Caribbean Baptist youth through the challenges of fellow-ship and ministry in the Covid-19. She highlights the successful hosting of the CBYD conference, a hybrid week-long event during summer 2022, in Guyana under the theme Anchored, as a key achievement during her tenure.
Joy-Ann worships at the Emmanuel Baptist Church, Barbados, where she has over 10 years’ experience in youth ministry and enjoys participating on the worship and media team and as an usher.
The passion and strong commitment displayed by Joy-Ann is evident in her drive to see youth thrive while living out practical Christianity.
Joy-Ann has a Bachelors in Media & Communication and a Masters in Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, California.
Joy-Ann is now on a new journey with the UN World Food Pro-gramme (UNWFP), which follows a two-and-half years stint with the United Nations Multi-Country Office of UNDP Barbados Office.
She is the proud daughter of Rev. Vincent and Mrs. Jacinth Wood. Rev. Wood, who served in the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) as one of the vice-presidents in 2000.
She uses her skills as a senior violinist of the Barbados National Youth Symphonia to teach children to play violin.
In addition, Joy-Ann is a fitness enthusiast. She is a member of Cyberfit (formerly the Crossfit Barbados team) and loves playing tennis, hiking and bicycle riding.