Meryl Herr featured image

Meryl Herr

Director of Research and Resources

Other Affiliations:

Affiliate Faculty, Fuller Seminary


Dr. Meryl Herr is the Director of Research and Resources at the Max De Pree Center for Leadership where she designs and conducts research studies that add to the understanding of what helps marketplace leaders flourish. She also oversees the team’s efforts to convert research findings into resources that will help leaders live and work in a distinctively Christian way. Meryl is an affiliate professor for Fuller’s Doctor of Ministry program.

Meryl earned a BS from Vanderbilt University and an MDiv and PhD (Educational Studies) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Her doctoral research focused on the role of imagining the future in vocational discipleship. After completing her doctorate, Meryl pursued additional training by completing a graduate certificate in Educational Research Methods through the University of Illinois at Chicago.

In addition to working at the De Pree Center, Meryl owns The GoodWorks Group, a small consulting firm specializing in educational program planning and evaluation. She previously taught as an adjunct professor for Cornerstone University’s Professional and Graduate Studies Division and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Her first book, When Work Hurts: Building Resilience When You’re Beat Up or Burnt Out (InterVaristy Press), is scheduled to be released in March 2025.

When she’s not thinking, teaching, or writing about work, you’ll find Meryl working in her garden, deep in conversation with a friend at a coffee shop, or cooking something tasty. She lives near Athens, Georgia with her husband and two sons.