Texas Get Ready... Road Ahead is coming to Houston!
You Can Now Receive Vocational and Career Coaching at the Fuller Houston Campus! Scholarships are available!
Road Ahead Cohorts
Learn more about our Road Ahead groups, one-on-one coaching, and scholarship opportunities by clicking the link below!
We are excited to announce that a Road Ahead Cohort is now available in Houston, Texas! If you are in career transition or seeking vocational guidance, you can now participate in the Road Ahead Cohort at our Fuller Houston campus, coming at the end of this June! Long-time Houstonian, Dr. Wayne Park will be leading these cohorts in person and is very passionate about shaping people’s lives in the marketplace through spiritual formation and practices.
Continue to watch for new developments coming out of Houston! It is exciting for us to expand our De Pree Center offerings to the Texas region and beyond! If you’d like to learn more or become acquainted with Wayne directly, he can be reached at waynepark@fuller.edu. We look forward to serving you in Houston, TX!

Wayne Park
Guest & Chancellor
Chancellor Fuller Houston Campus Director of Operations Kingdom City Houston Wayne Park (DMin 21’) serves as the Chancellor of the Fuller Houston campus. A longtime resident of the area, he brings on-the-ground experience bolstered ...