Anger Without Sin: Part 3
“In your anger do not sin.” Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
Ephesians 4:26-27
“In your anger do not sin.” If you’re like me, you recognize the wisdom of this injunction from your own experience. You can remember times when your anger motivated you to do or say something wrong. Yes, you were angry and yes, you did sin. Perhaps in your anger you did or said something that was hurtful to another person, maybe someone you love deeply, like a spouse or a child. So, when you read, “In your anger do not sin,” your soul cries out, “Yes. That’s fine. But how? How can I avoid sin when I’m angry?”
One answer to this question can be found in the second half of Ephesians 4:26: “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” This piece of advice, which is similar to wisdom found among Greek philosophers as well as some ancient Jewish sages, makes the point that anger should not be stored up. When we hang on tightly to anger and don’t let go it easily turns to bitterness or vengefulness. Hoarded anger makes us more apt to sin. One way or another, our feelings of anger need to be dissipated.
How does this happen? I know from personal experience some things that don’t work. Denial and pretending don’t work. Yelling and screaming don’t work. What does work, at least at the beginning, is honest acknowledgement of anger. If we can say to ourselves, “I am really angry about this,” it invites us to deal with our anger in a helpful way. Such openness allows us to think about our anger rather than letting it have hidden power over us. Our honesty enables us to begin to process our anger rather than pretending it isn’t there and letting it lead us into sin.
Perhaps more importantly, acknowledging our anger allows us to share it with God. The Psalms are filled with honest expressions of deep emotions, even anger directed at the Lord himself. These ancient poems and hymns encourage us to share with God what’s really going on in our hearts. When you’re feeling angry, tell God about it. Be honest. Offering your anger to the Lord is a first step to letting go of it so it doesn’t lead you into sin.
Yet there is more, I believe, that can help us not cling to our anger or give it the power to motivate us to do what’s wrong. I’ll get into this in future devotions. For now, you may wish to prayerfully consider the following questions.
Something to Think About:
What helps you to keep from sinning when you’re angry?
What has helped you avoid storing up anger?
Do you have anger in your heart today that you need to admit to yourself and to the Lord? Are you willing to do so?
Something to Do:
If you answered the last two questions in the affirmative, take some time, either right now or later in the day, to talk with the Lord about your anger. Be honest. Ask for God’s wisdom to know how best to deal with what you’re feeling. And ask for God’s help to keep from sinning because you are upset.
Gracious God, I do not want to sin when I’m angry. Frankly, Lord, as you know, I’d rather not be angry at all. But I can’t escape this quality of my humanness. Anger is a normal part of life. I can ask for your help, though, to keep me from sinning when I’m angry.
In particular, I ask that you help me to be honest with myself and with you when I’m upset about something. May I tell you the truth so that I might be open to your wisdom and help. Amen.
Explore more at The High Calling archive, hosted by the Theology of Work Project:
Pharaoh’s Anger

Mark D. Roberts
Senior Strategist
Dr. Mark D. Roberts is a Senior Strategist for Fuller’s Max De Pree Center for Leadership, where he focuses on the spiritual development and thriving of leaders. He is the principal writer of the daily devotional, Life for Leaders,...