Write the Vision
“And the Lord answered me, and said, Write down the revelation, and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”
Habakkuk 2:2
I am a consultant to visionaries and spend a great amount of time assisting them in executing their aspirations. Visionaries tend to be big thinkers, risk takers, and trailblazers who exhibit great amounts of faith. They are ahead of their time, and seem to live and think in the future. These qualities make them admirable, since they truthfully are the driving force behind societal changes. I personally draw inspiration from these leaders because of their courage and resilience.
Maybe these visionaries are so powerful because they have learned to fight the most important battles of all – the battles of the mind. To do great things, these thinkers have learned how to conquer low self-esteem, inner turmoil, fears of inadequacy, and fears of the opinions of others. However, all too often, these visionaries also leave important things in the realm of thought…namely the blueprints that make their visions work. When I first began consulting for visionaries, I was surprised to find that most leaders and organizations lacked an actual business plan or vision outline. Some of these organizations had been in existence for decades with large followings. However, these same organizations lacked cohesiveness and seemed to be stuck in the cyclical pattern of “status-quo”. Their vision was powerful; their charisma and charm was captivating… yet the lack of a written plan limited their success.
Consider the instructions that God gives Habakkuk. Habakkuk had been earnestly seeking God for a vision to change the course of the injustices that Israel was experiencing. He needed a revelation that he could enact that would make life better for society. God gives him a revelation – a glimpse of how life would be from God’s omniscient perspective. Then God gives Habakkuk very important instructions to sustain the revelation – write the vision! God knew that his vision for Israel was too big for Habakkuk to carry out alone; this prophet would need help the size of a nation to fulfill this mandate. Therefore, it was necessary for him to write out the vision so that those called to push the vision could correctly function.
Leaders, the best thing you could do for your vision is to write it out. This step alone mitigates miscommunication and empowers your team to adequately push the vision forward. Furthermore, writing a vision out can serve as a precaution to burnout among your team members. I’ve encountered many teams that have a healthy respect for their leaders, yet they struggle needlessly to assist these trailblazers because they lack access to the blueprint. This disorganization often sours professional relationships and causes quick burnout among qualified and zealous staff.
If you have not yet written out the vision, do so. If you already have a written blueprint, revisit it to make sure that it reflects your current trajectory. Finally, make sure that your team fully comprehends the vision to the point that they can carry it out in your absence. The vision that God has given you is vital and it is imperative that nothing hinder its success. Leaders, it’s time for you to write the vision.
God, we acknowledge that you are Lord over all things. We are humbled that you would even entrust your thoughts to us. Help us to be wise stewards of your visions, and teach us how to effectively communicate that vision to those around us. To you be all glory and honor; in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Explore more at the Theology of Work Project online Bible commentary: Faithfulness in the Midst of Toil (Habakkuk 2:1; Zephaniah 2:1-4)

Breon Wells
Breon Wells is the Founder and CEO of The Daniel Initiative. He is a political consultant, musician, vision management consultant, ordained minister, and motivational speaker. After spending six years as a Congressional Staffer, Breon le...