A Prayer for Election Season

By Uli Chi

November 7, 2022

De Pree Journal

Note: The following excerpt is reprinted with permission from a prayer written by De Pree Center Advisory Board member Uli Chi. It’s a wonderful reminder that our leadership extends to our civic engagement. The public square is a place in desperate need of Christians who think wisely and winsomely about how their faith connects with their work, both inside and outside the office. May the words of this prayer be at the forefront of our minds as we enter the voting booth, engage in political conversations, and seek to love our neighbors.

As we come to another election season,
+++we pray for the fresh wind and falling rain of your Spirit
++++++to clear the air of our polluted political discourse.
+++Replace the lingering noxious air of lies and malice
++++++with the fresh air of truth and grace.

We pray for all who seek and all who occupy public office.
+++In the words of the prophet Micah,
++++++may they seek to do justly, to love mercy,
++++++and to walk humbly with their God.

In the words of the prophet Micah,
may they seek to do justly, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with their God.

We pray that they may seek to do justice –
+++to care about the common good,
+++to advocate for those who are without power and privilege,
+++and to do what is right in the sight of all.

We pray that they may seek to love mercy –
+++to major in truth and grace,
+++to love and serve the common good,
+++and to sacrifice their self-interests for the sake of those they serve.

We pray that they may seek to walk humbly with you –
+++to acknowledge that you are God and they are not,
+++to remember their creaturely limitations,
+++and to remember their own fallenness.

to acknowledge that you are God and they are not,
to remember their creaturely limitations,
and to remember their own fallenness.

We pray for all these.
+++And we pray that you would test and refine
++++++each who seeks and holds public office.
+++Cleanse and purify their motives and actions.
+++In the words of the hymn writer,
++++++consume their dross and refine their gold.[1]

And we pray for ourselves.
+++For those of us who do not seek public office
++++++nevertheless contribute to the political air we breathe.

In this difficult season,
+++help us to be a light in the darkness,
+++a breath of fresh air that helps clear the smoke
++++++and allows others to breathe again.
+++Help us to do justly by our political neighbors,
++++++to love mercy in the way we speak about them,
++++++and to walk humbly before you – and them – during this season.

help us to be a light in the darkness,
a breath of fresh air that helps clear the smoke
and allows others to breathe again.



[1] The lyrics of “How Firm a Foundation” are attributed to Robert Keen ca. 1787.

Uli Chi

Board Member, Senior Fellow, Affiliate Professor

Dr. Uli Chi’s career is a testament to his unique approach to leadership. He has navigated the realms of for-profit businesses, nonprofit organizations, the theological academy, and the local church, gleaning a wealth of wisdom from each. As an award-winning technological entrepreneur, h...

More on Uli

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